Adding a stakeholder
To add a stakeholder on SeedBlink Equity go to “Your Company” page and click on Stakeholders menu item, from the Cap table menu section. Here you will need to click the “+ Add stakeholder” button, select the type of stakeholder you want to add (Company/Individual), and fill in their respective details such as name, email address, etc.
How to video
once you add a stakeholder, it will show up under your stakeholders page, but will not show up in the cap table unless equity has been granted to that stakeholder.
Adding one stakeholder when creating a single transaction
You can also add a new stakeholder directly when creating a new transaction. In order to add a new stakeholder, simply start typing their name in the stakeholder name field of that transaction. Here you will be prompted to create a new stakeholder in case the name you typed isn’t part of your existing stakeholders. Do so, and your new stakeholder will be created.
Note: The stakeholder will be added for the purposes of this transaction. If you want to have more information on the stakeholder, edit them later from your Stakeholders menu tab.
How can I remove a stakeholder?
Currently, you can only delete stakeholders that have 0 equity associated with them. So if you’re seeing the “Remove” action item as disabled it means this Stakeholder has been granted equity. In case you want to delete a stakeholder that has been granted equity, you would first need to go in the Transaction page and edit / delete each of the transactions that are associated with that stakeholder and only after you will be able to delete him/her from the Stakeholder page.
Last updated